
Time Travel to:

October 19, 2023


  • Unveiling History, Culture, and Artistry: A Philatelic Journey on YouTube
    Delve into the captivating world of philately on my YouTube channel, where each postage stamp holds a piece of history, culture, and artistry. Join me as I uncover the untold stories behind rare and unique stamps, taking you on a global journey through the fascinating realm of stamp collecting.

Timelessness is value

Stamps are part of those delicate antiquated objects that do not only represent a purpose they once maintained. They are symbols of the past, of long-gone eras of cultural prosperity and wealth, once declared to withstand the test of time. Yet, only remainders of these periods have survived, and some in the most banal form as the postal stamp.

The collection of stamps you will find on this blog fit in perfectly with the description above. Their diversity is what make the collection timeless and unique exploring the unknown borders of many cultures and nationalities that have gone through many changes throughout their history. From the eastern side of the Iron Curtain, across the cold Russian taigas, to the vast Mongolian steppes, across the young People’s Republic of China down to the mysterious jungles of Vietnam and South East Asia.

The collection I will present you with will cover half the planet over a span of almost 100 years. I do hope you will enjoy the amazingly vast culture of humanity.

The Stamp Time Traveller

Other than providing opportunities for philatelic enthusiasts at auctions and sales, the Stamp Time Traveller blog was also created to provide historic information and the origin of the selected stamps. This information is thoroughly researched to provide the most intricate details about the stamps on display.

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